Uwagi:Grę zainstalujesz z zamieszczonego obrazu płyty. Następnie zainstaluj patch (1.4). Spróbuj uruchomić grę - jeżeli nie udało ci się - otwórz archiwum Music-Fix i uruchom (z prawami administratora) plik ApplyPatch.bat. Nie udało się automatycznie zainstalować patcha? Przeczytaj instrukcję w pliku Manual Instalation Guide.txt.
Furthermore available are The Sims - Hot Date 2.0 from EA's Sims site: www.thesims.com andversion 1.1.2 of the australian/community release of Auran's Trainz game from www.auran.com.Since in both cases these downloads are restricted to registered users of these games, we are currently unable to serve these patches here as well.Thanks to Paul Shamen & Paul Leonard for these news.changes february, 17th
Monopoly Tycoon 1.4 Patch Patch
- The air duct animatronics should hopefully follow the audio lures, though remember that Mr. Hippo, Pigpatch, Nedd Bear and Orville only have a chance at following the audio lure, though the chance is pretty high.
"We are developing the modalities to dispatch such a mission; other considerations should not prevent this essential international mission from taking place," Grossi said in a statement to the International Atomic Energy Agency's 35-nation Board of Governors, adding that Ukraine had requested it. 2ff7e9595c