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Writer's pictureelpenvadelihy

Softether Vpn Client Manager Download For Mac: The Best Way to Access Blocked Websites and Services

Unfortunately, there is no way of getting the latest version through package managers (or even using a single url) at the moment. Therefore you have to browse their website using a desktop browser to download the package. There are a couple of ways of dealing with this: First, browse their website on your own computer and then depending on your server configuration (OS, x86/x64, etc.) find the link to the appropriate package then use wget to download the package to your server. Alternatively, you can use a terminal based web browser such as lynx to browse the SoftEther website and download the right package.

Softether Vpn Client Manager Download For Mac

Now we have to extract the package we received from the SoftEther download page and compile it. The package used in this tutorial is named softether-vpnserver-v2.00-9387-rtm-2013.09.16-linux-x86-32bit.tar.gz so we will extract it using the command below:

Now that we have created the certificate, we have to download the certificate to our clients and add them as trusted. Using the command below, we save the server certificate into a file named cert.cer:

Mi pregunta es la siguiente, he seguido el tutorial y lo he hecho todo, tengo un par de maquinas virtuales creadas con vagrant, un softether vpn server (ubuntu) y un softether vpn cliente (debian), pero aun estando en la misma red, el cliente es incapaz de conectarse al servidor, sin embargo el cliente si que se puede conectar a oros servidores remotos de internet como puedo hacer para que mi cliente pueda conectarse al server local? o no es necesario que se conecte al server para acceder a otra red con otro rango ip?


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